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Will this system be suitable for my site?

Relocatable rapid deployment block systems are designed to suit most installations. As they have no need for permanent foundations and don’t need to be fixed to existing infrastructure, they are far less invasive than traditional systems. This is of particular advantage when installing a parking regime on land that you do not own.

An initial site evaluation can be carried out remotely, with a specific site survey being provided where remote surveys are inconclusive. We will be able to propose a bespoke system for almost any site, so odds are we will have a solution to suit your specific requirements, just contact us for an initial remote evaluation.


How quickly could the system be installed?

For off the shelf relocatable rapid block deployment systems, these can be installed in as little as 2 days from receipt of instruction. Bespoke systems are tailored to suit and lead-times can vary, however, this is usually within 2 weeks.


How long do I need to commit to?

Contracts are for a 3 year period and can be extended thereafter. However, should your circumstances change, our engineers can relocate the equipment within that period if needed.


What happens in the event of a fault?

In the event of a fault occurring that is covered by product warranty, the product would be repaired or replaced at no cost to you.

In the event of a fault being detected, one of our engineers would typically be dispatched within 48 hours with the required component, so a single-visit repair can be completed. In the event of malicious damage or other non-warranty covered fault, a fixed price would be issued for repairs to be completed, typically within 48 hours of instruction.