Benefits of Solar Energy

Unlimited Energy

The UK is a challenging environment for solar power generation. Long winter nights, unpredictable weather and shading from plant matter and buildings pose additional problems. Our system designs account for these features and are calibrated to suit their location whilst a huge battery capacity helps keep things going even in the dull winter months.

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A solid, reliable technology

Only the very best components with proven reliability are used in our systems to ensure maximum up-time and reduce maintenance. We constantly monitor your systems 24/7/365 to ensure optimal operation and to gain advance warning of any charging or power issues that may arise.

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Environmently Friedly

Looking after the environment is a key concern of ours. As a renewable source of power, solar energy has an important role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change, which is critical to protecting our families, wildlife and ecosystems. Harnessing solar power can help your business achieve its carbon goals whist doing your bit for the planet.

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Minimal maintenance

Our solar cameras are designed to operate reliably over the term of the lease and beyond. They are monitored remotely and in the event of an unlikely warranty fault being detected would automatically be repaired by our engineers, in many cases, prior to any loss of system operation.

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The Parking Warden that Never Sleeps

With the increasing costs of running a business, operators are always looking for ways to reduce their overheads and increase their profits

Our ANPR cameras work 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. They never sleep, they never ring in sick and they never let you down.

A recent industry poll showed that, on average, an ANPR controlled site can generate up to 7 times more tickets than a warden controlled car park monitoring over-stays.

ANPR technology offers non-confrontational parking enforcement, keeping your wardens safe, particularly during hours of darkness or in high-risk areas.

Can you afford not to join the ANPR revolution?



Rapid Deployment – No Ground Works, No Civil Engineering

Unlike conventional pole-mounted ANPR cameras, our poles are seated on a ‘rapid deployment’ concrete base, which is lifted directly into place using a crane. There’s no need to dig holes, run wires from an electricity supply or wait for concrete to set.

Our solar powered solutions can be deployed, configured and can go live in a matter of hours, allowing you to start generating your income in the quickest time possible.

The longer Solar ANPR is installed, the more you save!

No heavy Up-Front Bill

£0 Capital Expenditure – Enabling Infinite Growth of Your Company

Through our finance partners, we are able to install your new ANPR cameras with NO upfront costs.

Use the revenue created by your new ANPR cameras to pay for itself.

Having no upfront costs allows you to scale up your business exponentially.


  • Find a new site
  • Install SolarANPR
  • Repeat

Minimum overheads, maximum revenue. ANPeRfect!

Join the Green Revolution

Harnessing the power of the sun allows you to reduce your carbon footprint and adds social value to your company. Increasingly, clients are demanding eco-friendly options from service providers. Our cameras allow you to provide a greener alternative to conventional ANPR systems.